Changzhou Sijie Optoelectronics Technology Co.,Ltd.


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  • STRONG Series two color pyrometer Instruction

    In two-color temperature measurement, temperature will not change with the object`s surface state (such different surface roughness or chemical state ), which will not affect the accuracy of temperature measurement, but will have an impact on one-color pyrometer measurement. The optical part of pyrometer, such as glass, will accumulate some dust after using for a period. The presence of water, gas, oil, etc. in the air will reduce the emissivity coefficient, so the temperature measured by one color pyrometer will decrease. The two-color pyrometer measures the ratio of infrared radiation intensities of two band wavelength in a specific range. With dust, water vapor and other disturbances, the signals of two wavelength fall simultaneously and the ratio remains constant after division. But this does not mean two-color pyrometer does not require maintenance. User still need to wipe the glass when it is too dirty.





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